Material Lifts

Column Lifts & Blenders Brochure


Lifting Vessels

When dealing with IBCs, drums, or any other kind of material container, it is often necessary to elevate the equipment to a mezzanine or floor above a process in order to discharge its contents.

Large vessels can require a forklift or overhead crane, which can be inconvenient, unsafe, and unsanitary.

To deal with these kinds of installations, IEDCO has developed a line of Material Column Lifts which permit the handling of virtually any vessel safely and precisely.

IEDCO Column Lifts

IEDCO Column Lifts are designed to be stationary mounted on a level floor and supported from a bearing support at the top as a standard, but floor supported only models can be supplied, as well.

Our standard Column Lift for loads over 250 lbs. is completely electrically powered and designed to accurately lift, swivel, and dock its payload.

The completely electric design makes the machine more reliable, trouble-free, and smoother operating than either hydraulic or pneumatically powered units. There is no leakage, no motion creep, and far less maintenance.

Material Lifts

IEDCO has a line of Material Lifts utilizing our column lift design. These hygienic lifts allow for the smooth lifting of loads between floors or mezzanines. Typical loads include: IBCs, Carts, Pallets, etc.

Our Column Lifting design uses an electrically driven ball screw for the ultimate in mechanical safety. Support is typically from the floor and ceiling structures, but platform or other support is also available.

Designed primarily for sanitary and hygienic environments where freight elevators or forklifts are unwanted, IEDCO Material Lifts are constructed out of stainless steel with a high-quality finish.

Maintaining operator safety is an IEDCO priority, so all our Material Lifts are supplied with safety options such as interlocked gates and optical barriers.